Sunday, May 20, 2012

BAD MARSH is filling up faster than your car's gas tank!

I saw on that only 19 spots are open for BAD MARSH 50k night run on JUNE 23!!!!!!! Hurry...! Hustle...! Run...!

Friday, May 18, 2012

Do the Humidity Hustle

Does anyone try to beat the heat by waking up and instantly scrambling for running clothes and shoes while still semi-incoherent? It's the humidity hustle...maybe I'll just never fit in with the locals. Perhaps my blood can't thin out like that. Regardless, it was a nice, overcast morning for a 1.5 mile stroll/waddle! I hope you are all enjoying your training, and not being too hard on yourselves!
Don't forget BAD MARSH is on JUNE 23!!!!!!!
Also, MAD MARSH is November 17.
Lastly, (ladies) check out SHE ROCKS THE TRAILS and keep rocking them East Coast to West.
And read my bio at: Ambassadors. :)